Our namesake- The Studieaux, HQ for Iron Yogi Fitness Online Strength Training-
is an homage to our Baton Rouge soul and roots.
We are non-dogmatic, subscribe to no one version of how to do anything, and pledge allegiance to our strength WITHIN. We welcome ALL people, every BODY.
The G.O.A.T Tupac Shakur said our mantra best:
"I want to grow. I want to be better. You grow. We all grow. We're made to grow.
You either evolve or you disappear."
We offer diverse yoga classes and mindful recovery practices that are grounded in knowledge of the anatomy of fascia, and transcend age, gender, and any other form of division.
Our online strength training counterpart, Iron Yogi Fitness, is headquartered in the studio space as well.
This is your space where you can source your own wholeness.