Good morning Studieaux enthusiasts, buttisattvas, and fascial-stretch fanatics! It is my privilege to get to talk to y'all today about one of my very favorite topics, drumroll please...
Essential oils. Cue the Jumanji drums, because these powerful plant potions are sick AF.
For those of you who do not know me YET, my name is Hillary Howard, and I am the resident Studieaux OilR. I teach classes on the ins and outs of aromatherapy, sling oils/oil related wellness products, create personalized oil maps, and perform emotional release sessions with oil application. I also have this handy little device called the ITovi. The IT
ovi is a class 4 medical device recognized by the FDA, and uses galvanic skin response technology to determine which oils, or oil containing supplements, will help to bring the cells of your body into alignment. In 2017, I happened to stumble upon a business meeting Taylor was having at my spot, AKA Craft Kafe (just get the hot mom and thank me later,) which led to almost two solid years of social media friendship, and lots of "almost" meet-ups. Fast forward to October 2018, where I happened to stumble upon yet another business meeting, where she and Emily were talking grand opening of The Studieaux over kava at Grassroots. A joyful reunion and one bottle of Valor later, our paths were finally joined in a very real, and very purposeful manner.
To give you a little backstory, I have been the crazy oil lady in making since birth. When I was very young, my interests were not exactly "conventional." I obsessed over crystals, pressed flowers, and spent 99.9% of my time with my nose in books, and very little socialization; because I never quite felt like I fit in with most kids my age. I was probably the only kid in school who wanted to be a botanist when I grew up, thank God for the blockbuster rental of Practical Magic. I think that was my first glimpse into what my life could actually look like. The magical apothecary was forever etched into my mind. The bottles of plant potions lining the shelves, the idea of healing my people with all of the tools provided to us in nature. I didn't know what it was going to look like, but I knew what my heart wanted. I knew what my soul needed.
Fast forward to 2014, when I fell in love. I found a company that had the highest standards, and the most incredible business model. I found purpose.
In 2018, I had the honor of visiting our home farm in Mona, Utah, and I got to see the entire process of Seed to Seal, firsthand on an all expense paid retreat I earned for my organization. From the time the seed is put into the ground, until it is in the hands of the carrier, we ensure total quality control. Our products are beyond organic and completely unadulterated. Non-GMO certified, with a line of GRAS supplement oils called the vitality line, we comply with all FDA standards and strive to produce the highest quality essential oils, and essential oil products on the market. I have had the opportunity to visit our home, I have personally met and had dinner with the global sales president of our company, and I can assure you that we are exactly who we portray ourselves to be. When it comes to what I put into and on my body, and the bodies of my children, I will not settle for anything less than 100% transparency. I could write ten blog posts on the incredible work our company is doing, but I think i'm going to literally have to break that down into ten posts, so i'll keep it short and sweet.
We have been blessed with so many incredible healing modalities. Herbalism is a whole world of wonderful medicine for body and mind. I was definitely a skeptic at first. I was always more of a "holistic-minded" gal, but I need hard facts to be won over. #Science. I will never forget the day I learned that simply smelling an oil could halt the release of cortisol and adrenaline during a fight or flight response. Like what?! Y'all the #science is killer, but I've got at least ten more blog posts to go over all of that, and i'll geek out hard core.
These little bottles of liquid gold have changed the lives of myself, and my family in so many wonderful ways. I cannot wait to share the oily love y'all.
If you cannot wait another second to become a Studieaux OilR, just head on over to this link to join our oily family, and access to all of my team's amazing resources, educational material, and a 24% off discount on all of our wellness products. If you have any questions on oils, or the business, or you just want to say "Hi! don't hesitate to reach out to me.
Love & Light & Valor